Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Keeping Track of my Meals and Snacking

I've stopped writing down what I eat at every meal and stopped writing down snacks a while ago. Basically I eat whatever I make until it's gone. As for snacks, I mostly eat carrots and celery and the occasional apple (particularly since I bought so many). I drink a lot of tea.

My son has been a huge pretzel eater since his first tooth came in. He never ever tires of them. When he was at college there were no pretzels in my house. Now that he is back home, we have anywhere from 6- 12 different shapes and sizes at all times. Seriously.
Prior to this challenge, the only time I ate pretzels are when he eats them in front of me. He makes them irresistible and then I eat a few. Now that I don't allow myself to veer off like that,  I miss that crunchy, salty thing.

Very Casual Recipe: Pasta Chips
Really all you do here is slightly over-cook pasta (it needs to be a flat-ish shape), drizzle it with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and bake at 300 for 20 minutes. Turn over and bake until golden and crunchy, about 25 minutes.

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